USMC Silver Star
For Actions Since September 11, 2001



 Current as of:  March 25, 2025

Last Name First Name Middle Initial Rank Campaign
Ackerman Elliot L Second Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Adametz Thomas R Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Adams Jarred L Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Alvarez Javier NMI Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Atrian Mario NMI Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Austin Aaron C Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Baptista Leandro F Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Bennett Verice W Staff Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Bitz Michael E Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Blanton Robert J Gunnery Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Boada Stephen J First Lieutenant Operation Enduring Freedom
Bock Michael A Staff Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Bohr, Jr. Jeffrey E Gunnery Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Booker James E Sergeant Major Operation Iraqi Freedom
Brandau Nicholas NMI Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Bronzi Christopher J Captain Operation Iraqi Freedom
Brown Christian A Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Burch William E Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Burger, Jr. Dale A Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Camp Mark A Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Cardenas Moses NMI Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Cartwright Charles I Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Cassady Chad D Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Ceniceros Irvin M Lance Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Cillessen Brian G Captain Operation Enduring Freedom
Cline, Jr. Donald  J Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Cogan IV Thomas E Second Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Cohen Ryan B Captain Operation Enduring Freedom
Cole II Jeffrey C Lance Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Connors Timothy J Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Conover III Kenneth A First Lieutenant Operation Enduring Freedom
Davis  Steven J Staff Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Desgrosseilliers Todd S Major Operation Iraqi Freedom
Diede Bryan D Second Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Dollard Ian M Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Doran Jason K Gunnery Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Dunfee David R Chief Warrant Officer 3 Operation Iraqi Freedom
Evers Charles M Staff Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Gannon Richard J Captain Operation Iraqi Freedom
Gerardi David M Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Gettings  Albert P Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Gire Daniel A Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Glover Joshua L First Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Goebel Cody R Lance Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Gomezperez Carlos NMI Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Guardiola Samuel NMI Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Haney Timothy P Gunnery Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Hanks Michael W Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Haralovich Alexander V Staff Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Harless  Bradley  A Staff Sergeant  Operation Enduring Freedom 
Harrill III John D Major Operation Iraqi Freedom
Harris, Jr. Larry D Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Hassinger Jason M Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Hermann John W Staff Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Hickey Daniel F Lance Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Hill Jake A Lance Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Holder II Theodore S Staff Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Homer Robert W Staff Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Horton Nicholas J Second Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Hunter Jeff S Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Huth Edward S Lance Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Jacobs Graham H Staff Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Jarvis David A Gunnery Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Johnson Alan F Master Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Jones Jason D Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Jordan Phillip A Gunnery Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Kane Kristopher D Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Kerman Robert P Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Kim  Andrew NMI Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Kirk Jeffrey L Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Lovato  Eubaldo  A Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom 
Lee Jeffery T Second Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Lilley Jason M Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Lopez Matthew A Lieutenant Colonel Operation Iraqi Freedom
Lurz Joseph F Gunnery Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Madrigal Miguelange G Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Manion Travis L First Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
McCarver Abraham NMI Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
McClenney Daniel B Private First Class Operation Enduring Freedom
McCormick Armand E Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
McCulloch, Jr. Philip A Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
McDermott Edward V Gunnery Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
McDonald Robb T Major Operation Enduring Freedom
McGlothlin Donald R Second Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
McKenna IV John J Captain Operation Iraqi Freedom
Nagel Ethan M Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Navarrette Jason L Staff Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Niedziocha Christopher P First Lieutenant Operation Enduring Freedom
Osthoff Dane S Staff Sergeant Operation Inherent Resolve
Owen Byron J Captain Operation Enduring Freedom
Parker  Matthew  Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom 
Parks III Thomas F Chief Warrant Officer 2 Operation Iraqi Freedom
Pennell Traver D Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Perez Joseph M Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Petty  Donovan E Master Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Pillsbury Richard G Staff Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Place John E Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Pokorney, Jr. Frederick E First Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Popaditch Nicholas A Gunnery Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Price  Daniel J Gunnery Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Rapicault Patrick M Captain Operation Iraqi Freedom
Reynoso Yadir G Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Rick  Kenneth R Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Ridgeway Daniel W Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Robinson Mark A Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Rollins William W Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Rose James T Captain Operation Enduring Freedom
Roussos Gianoulis NMI Captain Operation Iraqi Freedom
Russell David T First Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Sagredo Ismael NMI Staff Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Santos Danny S Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Schauble Jason P Captain Operation Iraqi Freedom
Schuller, Jr. Jeffrey W Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Seely  Michael S Second Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Seif  Andrew  C  Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Shinost, Jr. Frankie J Staff Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Sikes Adam R Staff Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Simmons Franklin M Corporal Operation Enduring Freedom
Smith Jason E Captain Operation Iraqi Freedom
Sotelo Ryan T Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Sparks Timothy R Captain Operation Enduring Freedom
Spencer William D Lance Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Sprovtsoff Nicholas A Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom 
Stafford Evan L Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Stagner Jeremy L Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Stann Brian M Second Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Steinkamp Ryan M Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Stokes Sean A Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Stout Jarad K Gunnery Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Strelkauskas Daniel A Captain Operation Enduring Freedom
Tardif Timothy C Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Tejeda Riayan A Staff Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Thompson Andrew K Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Van Hook  Robert  Sergeant  Operation Enduring Freedom 
Vonkraus Brian R First Lieutenant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Waldron Wyatt L Corporal Operation Iraqi Freedom
Walker Eric B Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Weiler Robert S Captain Operation Iraqi Freedom
Wilson Wade D Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Williams Timothy S Staff Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Wimberg David N Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Woodall Matthew T Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Woitowicz William J Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Worley Paul B Staff Sergeant Operation Enduring Freedom
Woullard, Jr. Dennis R Sergeant Operation Iraqi Freedom
Zembiec Douglas A Major Operation Iraqi Freedom


NOTICE: Security, privacy, and administrative reasons preclude a complete list of awards recipients. Agencies with a requirement to verify valor award recipients should contact the appropriate military service. If you believe this list to be in error or if you would like your name removed from this list, please use the Military Service contact information provided under " Contact Us " to submit your concern to the appropriate Military Service.

The sole purpose of the information provided on this website is to publicly recognize those U.S. military members who are recipients of a Medal of Honor, Service Cross, or Silver Star. This information is based on awards reporting made available to the Military Departments. In making this information public, DoD does not represent that all those members who are entitled to wear the subject awards are identified. The public should not rely on the information on this website as a definitive identification of all those members who are recipients of the subject awards. Specifically, the information made available on this website should not be used to confirm whether or not an individual was awarded the subject awards for any purpose. DoD disclaims any liability arising from reliance on the information on this website.

Army Air Corps/Army Air Forces/U.S. Air Force members recognized for actions prior to 1 July 1948 are listed as Army members; on/after 1 July 1948 they are listed as Air Force members.

Members listed multiple times were recognized for valor the number of times listed. For example, a Soldier whose name is listed twice on the Army’s Distinguished Service Cross list was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for two separate acts.

Listed names are the names of the members reflected in official military records.

Members are listed by their respective military Service, not by the military Service that awarded the medal. For example, a Marine awarded a Distinguished Service Cross by the Army would be listed by the U.S. Marine Corps.